At New Market Bank we believe the basis of each and every customer relationship, many of which span generations is trust. Protecting your privacy, along with your financial assets, is a core value of the way we do business. We appreciate that customers have chosen to do business with New Market Bank, and we recognize our obligation to consider all personal information they supply us with as confidential. New Market Bank only collects the personal information you supply to administer our business and to make products, services, and other opportunities available to you.
The board of directors of New Market Bank has adopted this privacy policy. Bank management has carefully considered the policy in light of the bank's particular needs, including the bank's size, bank's involvement with third parties, affiliates, and the needs of our customers.
To view a pdf of our Privacy Policy please click here or review the Privacy Policy below.
Why? |
Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do. |
What? |
The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us. This information can include:
How? |
All financial companies need to share personal information to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their customers' personal information; the reasons New Market Bank chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing. |
Reasons we can share your personsal information |
Does New Market Bank share? |
Can you limit this sharing? |
For our everyday business purposes - such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus |
Yes | No |
For our marketing purposes - to offer our products and services to you | Yes | No |
For joint marketing with other financial companies | No | We don't share |
For our affiliates' everyday business purposes - information about your transactions and experiences | Yes | No |
For our affiliates' everyday business purposes - information about your creditworthiness | No | We don't share |
For our affiliates to market to you | No | We don't share |
For nonaffiliates to market to you | No | We don't share |
Questions? |
Call 877-870-4415 |
Who we are |
Who is providing this notice? | New Market Bank |
What we do |
How does New Market Bank protect my personal information? | To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings. |
How does New Market Bank collect my personal information? |
We collect your personal information, for example, when you
We also collect your personal information from others, such as credit bureaus, affiliates, or other companies |
Why can't I limit all sharing? | Federal law gives you the right to limit only
Definitions |
Affiliates |
Companies related by common ownership or control. They can be
Nonaffiliates |
Companies not related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies.
Joint marketing |
A formal agreement between nonaffiliated financial companies that
Other important information |
Website Privacy Policy
Your privacy is important to us. It is’s policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect from you across our website,, and other sites we own and operate.
We only ask for personal information when we truly need it to provide a service to you. We collect it by fair and lawful means, with your knowledge and consent. We also let you know why we’re collecting it and how it will be used.
We only retain collected information for as long as necessary to provide you with your requested service. What data we store, we’ll protect within commercially acceptable means to prevent loss and theft, as well as unauthorised access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.
We don’t share any personally identifying information publicly or with third-parties, except when required to by law.
We use Google Analytics to monitor and analyze the use of our website. Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. Google uses the data collected to track and monitor the use of our website. This data is shared with other Google services (for example, to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network). You can opt-out of making your activity on our website available to Google Analytics by installing the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on. For more information on the privacy practices of Google, please visit the Google Privacy & Terms web page:
Our website may link to external sites that are not operated by us. Please be aware that we have no control over the content and practices of these sites, and cannot accept responsibility or liability for their respective privacy policies.
You are free to refuse our request for your personal information, with the understanding that we may be unable to provide you with some of your desired services.
Your continued use of our website will be regarded as acceptance of our practices around privacy and personal information. If you have any questions about how we handle user data and personal information, feel free to contact us by email at
This policy is effective as of February 28th, 2024.